Nduruma School Water Project

In 2021 we were approached by a public school in the town of Nduruma, TZ.

The school has about 700 students and 23 teachers and needs assistance with a sanitation project that will help to assure the availability of clean water to students and staff, which has become even more important in the pandemic. The first step of the project is to build a water tower with a 3,000 litre tank allowing safe storage and distribution of water collected from a well. The water is presently stored in urns and open tanks on the ground.

Knowing that the availability of clean water is the key to good health, the Worldview Board agreed to raise the funds to support this project.

Past Initiatives


With the onset of Covid-19 in March 2020, our US supporters and volunteers partnered with local people to make and distribute hundreds of face masks in the community, along with educational materials to encourage their use. Since the government of Tanzania has not been particularly aggressive in anti-Covid efforts, this effort was extremely well-received.


Several years ago, Worldview Education and Care initiated a specifically health-oriented outreach to foster the prevention of HIV in the area where our programs operate. The outreach employed recreational activities for young people as well as educational posters and was greatly appreciated at the time.