Hamna Shida (in Swahili, hamna shida means “no problems”) Women started in 2012 to assist young women to learn tailoring skills so that they could start their own business in the future becoming more self-sufficient as well as able to support their families.
Since its inception, there have been 61 beneficiaries of the Hamna Shida Women program. With only one teacher and a small space to work in, in the early years of the program only 5-10 students could be trained in any given year. However, in 2016 Worldview assisted the program to relocate to TEKUA, where they received a space that is three times the size. Worldview hired an assistant teacher and supplied five additional sewing machines. Now the program supports 20 students at a time: 10 in the morning, and 10 training in the afternoon.
Much of the funding to support the materials and fees for the training comes from selling the beautiful bags and blankets that the students make during their training. Hamna Shida Women sells the bags on the local market and in some lodges, and Worldview also sells them through some vendors and during fundraising events. 100% of the profits from the items sold go back to supporting the beneficiaries of the Hamna Shida Women program. Please contact us if you would like to see the inventory or sell some of the bags at an upcoming event!